Institute for Infectious & Zoonotic Diseases

More than three-quarters of emerging infectious diseases that affect humans are zoonotic. In the past two decades, outbreaks of Ebola, Zika, swine influenza, avian influenza, West Nile virus, SARS CoV-2 — and others — have occurred around the world. Other established infections, such as malaria and dengue, continue to be a global concern.

The emergence of antibiotic resistance to infections – particularly in hospital settings –  creates a public health blind spot, while emerging and re-emerging infectious zoonotic agents continue to grow at alarming speed.

Attend the Special Seminar: "Regulation of Inflammasome Activation and Formation"

Listen to Dr. Clare Bryant, Professor of Innate Immunity, at the University of Cambridge Department of Medicine, Department of Veterinary Medicine speak in Hill Pavillion, Room 132 on Wednesday, June 21, 12pm. Read More Details.

Contact Michael Black with any questions at

Our Mission

Integrating the core values of One Health, expand research of infectious agents and advance our ability to react to new diseases - both locally and globally - for the benefit of populations and communities. Align our educational initiatives to support and develop the infectious disease workforce of tomorrow.

Why Penn Vet

We have one of the largest zoonotic disease programs in the nation, rooted in our extensive faculty network and distinctive geography. Penn Vet’s campus in Philadelphia neighbors the University of Pennsylvania’s twelve schools, including the medical and nursing schools, and the School of Arts and Sciences. Our New Bolton Center campus is surrounded by a region densely populated with dairy farms and agriculture. This topography brings Penn’s scientists together with incredible resources spurring cross-disciplinary collaboration to tackle monumental challenges, from chronic and fatal disease to biosecurity and antimicrobial stewardship, to climate change.

Penn Vet is a valuable partner to industry, specifically to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory System, as well as to several leading regional and national laboratory networks and health commissions.