Penn Vet | Research Initiatives
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Research Initiatives at Penn Vet


Penn Vet is always challenging the boundaries of research. We define ourselves by tackling the most difficult and current problems in our society. Here are several examples of how Penn Vet works with its neighbors, our economic challenges, and the threat to wildlife our increasingly global society continues to  present to not only our generation, but those that will follow as well. 

Institute for Infectious & Zoonotic Diseases

Institute for Infectious & Zoonotic Diseases

More than three-quarters of emerging infectious diseases that affect humans are zoonotic. In the past two decades, outbreaks of Ebola, Zika, swine influenza, avian influenza, West Nile virus, SARS CoV-2 and others have occurred around the world. Other established infections, such as malaria and dengue, continue to be a global concern. In response, Penn Vet has created the Institute for Infectious & Zoonotic Diseases (IIZD).

Learn more about the Institute for Infectious & Zoonotic Diseases...
Agriculture at Penn Vet logo


Uniquely positioned at the intersection of animal, human, and environmental health, Penn Vet offers advanced diagnostic services, and distinct expertise, to address some of industry’s most pressing challenges:
  • Enhancing, and advancing, the quality of life for animals
  • Ensuring economic viability for farmers
  • Protecting a safe food supply
Learn more about Agriculture@PennVet...


Gary Althouse in Lab 400 

Swine Group

The Penn Vet Swine Group comprises swine production medicine, swine reproduction research, and research in swine welfare behavior. We offer modern and humane models for swine facilities, the Pennsylvania Regional Control Program for swine disease, and a laboratory dedicated to the differential diagnosis of individual and herd reproductive problems.

Learn more about the Swine Group... 

Shelter Medicine

The Shelter Medicine Program at Penn Vet approaches the growing shelter crisis from a sociological, economic, and cultural perspective that allows for examination of the human-animal bond and link between human and animal health.

Learn more about Shelter Medicine...
Deer in Pennsylvania

Wildlife Futures

The Wildlife Futures Program, formerly known as the Pennsylvania Wildlife Futures Program, is a science-based, wildlife health program that serves to increase disease surveillance, management, and research to better protect wildlife across the Commonwealth.

Learn more about Wildlife Futures...