New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Educational Opportunities

For those interested in swine studies, there are numerous opportunities at Penn Vet to get involved, from veterinary students to graduate and post-graduate studies. Here are some examples of VMD classes, graduate programs, and additional educational opportunities.

Alumni Profile: Heather Fowler, VMD, PhD, MPH (V'10)

Heather Fowler, VMD, PhD, MPH

  • Dr. Fowler received her VMD from Penn Vet, her PhD from the University of Washington, and her MPH from Yale University. 
  • Dr. Fowler is currently the Director, Producer and Public Health at National Pork Board in Des Moines, Iowa, where she advises pig farmers and discusses food safety at events and conferences.
  • "Because today’s consumers are far removed from animal agriculture and farming overall, some are questioning common practices in animal agriculture. As a public health veterinarian with the National Pork Board, I have the perfect opportunity to serve as a trusted figure on both sides of the farm gate. While I help farmers explain how they raise pigs today, I am careful to maintain a professional stance rooted in the objectives of the One Health approach to protect human, animal and environmental health, which ultimately benefits everyone.”

VMD Courses & Electives
  • Introduction to Animal Welfare
  • Ecological Epidemiology
  • One Health & Global Food
  • Animal Productions Systems
  • Swine Neonatology
  • Epidemic Infectious Disease
  • Swine Husbandry
  • Large Animal Reproduction

Student Profile: Nathan Fanzone V'22

Nate Fanzone, Penn Vet student

"This past summer I had the privilege to conduct swine research at New Bolton Center under Dr. Meghann Pierdon. Together, with pathologist Dr. Julie Engiles and radiologist Dr. Kate Wulster, we looked for causes and patterns of lameness in sows from different herds around Pennsylvania.

I chose to study swine because, after learning about the prevalence of lameness in swine production, it was clear that this research had the potential to aid in improving the welfare of sows everywhere. Since Dr. Pierdon is a leader in animal welfare at PennVet, she was an amazing mentor to work with on this project.

After graduating, I hope to pursue a residency in anatomic pathology here at PennVet."

Dual Degree Programs & Research Opportunities


In addition to the VMD, Penn Vet offers research opportunities including the VMD/PhD program. We also offer internships, residencies, and fellowships.

Our students, including combined degree students (VMD-PhD), postdoctoral fellows and residents, enjoy a wide range of research opportunities in basic, translational and clinical research.


The combined VMD-MBA training program is designed to address the stark challenge of feeding over nine billion people by 2050 with limited resources of land and water, poor infrastructures, mounting inequality, and the uncertain effects of climate change.


The VMD/MPH is a flexible dual degree program that trains students in both veterinary medicine and public health. The addition of an MPH adds to veterinarian training by:

  • Strengthening epidemiology and biostatistics training, as well as methodological practices for doing public health
  • Introducing human healthcare systems and public health laws and ethics
  • Educating about environmental health at the ambient, occupational, and global spheres
  • Providing an understanding for the theories and framework necessary for designing interventions and educational campaigns